Honoring Mother's Day and the Grieving Process
The month of May is powerful. Seedlings have blossomed as we dust off the winter blues and layer on a little less as we face the day.
All-or-Nothing Thinking
Do you have a romantic partner who has a tendency to view everything in extremes? Maybe your beloved will come home sharing that they just had the ‘BEST DAY EVER!’’ Your significant other may quickly idealize people and see others as being nothing short of perfect.
Strategies When Having A Panic Attack
It feels like you are at war with yourself when you are having a panic attack. You wouldn’t wish this feeling on your worst enemy!
Handling A “No” Gracefully
Sylvia Plath once said, “I love my rejection slips. They show me I try.” Thank you Sylvia! What a wonderful way to reframe rejection! Imagine the pain we would avoid, if only we viewed rejection as proof of our courageousness and evidence of our self-investment?